
Walmart Issues Recall For E. Coli Tainted Beef

Walmart has issued a recall for approximately eight tons of beef after it was found that they might be tainted with the infectious bacteria E. coli. The meat, which was produced by Cargill Meat Solutions, has not yet caused any known illnesses, but a recall was issued anyway “out of an abundance of caution,” according to the company. People with affected meat should avoid consuming it and contact Walmart for a refund. You can find more information about the recall from the USDA website here.

What Was Recalled?

The recalled products are a number of beef products produced by Cargill and sold at Walmart under a variety of brands, amounting to about eight tons of meat, which are depicted here. These include the following:

  • All Natural Lean Ground Beef with lot code 117 (2.25 pounds)
  • Prime Rib Beef Steak Burgers Patties with lot code 118 (1.33 pounds)
  • Fat All Natural Angus Premium Ground Beef with lot code 117 (2.25 pounds)
  • Fat All Natural Ground Beef Chuck with lot code 118 (2.25 pounds)
  • Fat All Natural Ground Beef Chuck Patties with lot code 118 (1.33 pounds)
  • Fat All Natural Good Beef Sirloin Patties with lot code 118 (1.33 pounds)

A full list of stores that sold the recalled products can be found here.

Why Was it Recalled?

Walmart issued a recall for the meat after it was discovered that the beef may have been inadvertently contaminated with the bacteria Escherichia coli, more commonly referred to as just E. coli. The contamination supposedly occurred after “segregated product,” meaning beef that was not considered fit for human consumption, was accidentally introduced into the meat used for these products. While no illnesses have yet been tied to consumption of these products, a recall was issued to reduce the risk of future harm.

What Are the Dangers of E. Coli?

E. coli is a bacteria that can cause a potentially severe gastrointestinal infection, which can be particularly harmful for children, the elderly, and people with certain pre-existing medical conditions. Symptoms include stomach cramps, diarrhea, bloody stool, fever and vomiting. In more extreme cases, it can also result in damage to the kidneys, which can become potentially fatal.

What Should You Do?

If you have one of the above-mentioned products, you should set it aside and make sure not to eat it. You should also contact Walmart to obtain a refund for the recalled beef. If you have consumed this meat and begin to experience the symptoms of an E. coli infection, you should seek immediate medical attention, and then speak to a lawyer about your potential legal options. Dreyer Boyajian has handled some of the largest E. coli outbreaks in New York State, including the 1999 Washington County Fair outbreak.

If you have been harmed by a defective product or have suffered any other kind of injury due to the negligence of others, contact the Albany-based personal injury lawyers at Dreyer Boyajian. Our experienced attorneys are always ready to assist you, and ensure you get justice for the harm you have suffered. To schedule a free initial consultation at your convenience, give us a call at 518-463-7784 or contact us online at dreyerboyajian.com.

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