Sexual abuse is one of the most heinous acts that someone may carry out against someone else, and for that reason perpetrators can face prolonged prison sentences if convicted in criminal court. However, victims also have the ability to seek justice against perpetrators and enablers of sexual abuse through civil litigation. But why might someone choose to sue over sexual abuse, and what might they gain from it?
What is Sexual Abuse?
In simple terms, sexual abuse refers to any sex act carried out against someone against their will, either because they did not give consent or because they were unable to legally give consent. In many cases, this is because the victim was a minor, was unable to resist due to physical or psychological problems, or because they were under the care or custody of their abuser. Like any other kind of abuse, this can leave lasting impacts on victims, who may struggle with physical or psychological problems for years after their abuse ends.
Who Can Be Sued Over Sexual Abuse?
Obviously, the perpetrators of this type of abuse can be sued for the harm they commit against their victims. However, depending on the circumstances, it may also be possible to sue a third party who had a legal responsibility to prevent the abuse from occurring. This may include schools, businesses, or other organizations who had a legal responsibility to protect the welfare of the victim, such as a negligent employer who allowed abuse to occur while the abuser was acting in a professional role.
Why Would You Sue Over Sexual Abuse?
There are many reasons someone might choose to sue over the abuse they suffered, not the least of which is that it helps to hold abusers to account, particularly in cases where criminal prosecution is not feasible. It also helps victims to recover compensation for the harm they suffered, which can stretch far beyond the damage from the abuse itself. Finally, it can help to encourage institutions to be more careful about ensuring abusers are not put in a position where they can easily find victims to target.
What Should You Do?
If you or someone you love has been the victim of sexual abuse, you may be able to seek compensation for the harm you suffered. However, to know what options may be available to you, you should speak to a lawyer with experience handling sexual abuse cases. They can help you to create a legal strategy that best serves your needs, and will help you get the justice you deserve.
If you have been the victim of sexual abuse or have suffered any other kind of injury due to the negligence of others, contact the Albany-based personal injury lawyers at Dreyer Boyajian. Our experienced attorneys are always ready to assist you, and ensure you get justice for the harm you have suffered. To schedule a free initial consultation at your convenience, give us a call at 518-463-7784 or contact us online at